Thursday, February 5, 2009

Now You Little Monkeys Wanna Be Guerillas

So I know this image is at least two years old, but I just found it and it kind of irked me. I'll be the first to admit I don't really understand the huge appeal of Erin Wasson- she's always seemed kind of like an airhead to me... especially since she tries to give off a certain image of being grounded and chill, that just makes it worse. BUT my issue is with the t-shirt itself. What the hell does that mean? Am I being too sensitive when I think of it as somewhat bizarre? I know there was the entire Obama controversy over the phrase "little monkeys" as racist, and I can see both sides of that issue, but when it so blatantly mocks the idea of said "monkeys" wanting to be "guerrillas" (what I think of as unconventional warfare against an oppressive minority) it really makes me wonder. Is it ridiculous for me to think that her shirt trivializes the plight and resistance of the subalterns, whether it be Che or whoever? The tone is completely condescending, and yeah, sure, we can laugh at those "little monkeys" who want to be "guerrillas" since hey, we're apathetic and aren't in want of anything. Goddamn.


  1. It not meant to be racist. I suppose I can see where you would get this idea, but its definitely not meant to racist of any kind. Its just a.. metaphor (I'm not sure that the right word, but its all that coming to mind at the moment). Monkeys are weak and guerrillas, obviously, are of the stronger kind. So, its like saying now you want to be strong/cool. Trying to be something your not. Putting on a strong/tough front. Erm.., like how all the those MySpace scene teenyboppers have "Say shit, Fight hit" says all over the place. When in reality they will do nothing but block you via MySpace and possibly get some friends to send you some harassing bulletin/comments.


  2. also, it's a play on words, since guerrillas sounds like gorillas...and monkeys and gorillas are both primates, but monkeys are obviously much smaller than gorillas
