Sunday, January 25, 2009

Keeping busy in Po-town...

(image courtesy of Noah Fowler)
So after years of finding myself drained from 14-hour days of unproductive blog-reading, I finally decided 'Goddamn, I need to do something with my life. I need to have routine and obligations, a space to think, something to show for these long days of doing absolutely nothing.' After all, I spent 80% of my internet time lengthening my Favorites list of more items I couldn't possibly afford or bookmarking cooking recipes or crafts projects I won't get to... so instead of starting on that long list, I figured I'd just showcase my favorites and at least this way, I'll be able to look back on all those things I've briefly thought about. I tend to ramble on... most of my days here are spent waking up around 10, browsing the internet for another hour until I take an hour long shower (every day I try to save water but it hasn't happened yet), and then I move from friend's houses to coffeehouses to nearby restaurants to converse with other people about the same old shit. But my point was that I tend to ramble on, so my one major rule for this blog is to KEEP IT SHORT. We'll see how that goes.

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